
Password is for legacy sysadmins!

Published on Sep 29, 2020

Passwords are always a mess to be managed.

Why not switching to a different approach using cryptographic keys to connect to your machines? Public key authentication is a good, alternative method to log into your servers!


There are different types of public-key authentication. In this post I will refer to SSH keys. GPG keys will be discussed in a future article.

Passwords are boring

I am not a fan of passwords at all... They are not for me! I use a good password manager, I remember my passwords (where I still need to use one), but the main complains come from my family and friends that have always to create longer, stronger, more complex passwords for any account they have to use.



Public key authentication is smarter

Keys are generated in pairs of public and private key. Each key pair is unique and you must have both of them in order to authenticate. Important to notice: in this case, can be considered safe to reuse a single key-pair on multiple systems.

Public key authentication looks something like this:

  1. Generate a key pair.
  2. Share your public key with the server.
  3. Show the server you have the corresponding private key upon authentication.
  4. Proving correspondence.
  5. You're in!

There are pros and cons also with public key authentication usage.



Key pair generation

Even if I put it in the cons of public keys, it is not that difficult!

We will generate a test key pair for demonstartion purposes:

$ ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C ""

Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Your public key has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|X*.o             |
|%.. o + .        |
|=oo  . O +       |
|o+..  = X o      |
|..  .. OS* .     |
|     ..+=.*.     |
|      .o ooo.    |
|        o oE     |
|         o.      |

At this point you have your keys stored in your home in .ssh directory (which is the default directory for ssh clients on Linux, in this case we specified a filepath explicitly via -f flag).

The .ssh folder will have the following content now:

$ ls -la ~/.ssh/
total 28
drwxr-xr-x  2 fabio fabio 4096 17 aug 14.02 .
drwx------ 42 fabio fabio 4096  28 sep 19.33 ..
-rwx------  1 fabio fabio  464  28 sep 12.13 id_ed25519
-rwx------  1 fabio fabio   99  28 sep 12.13

Pay attention to the permissions: public and private key must be readable/writable/executable only from the user (700).

Looking into our private key we will see something similar to this:

random characters...

The public key, instead, is the one you can share, and will look similar to this:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBB1uvH/HM2Dnw0sbW+oIEfJXVy3/WLPk0b2sUTbxvBT

Wait, what is -t ed25519?

Ed25519 is cryptographic alghorytm introduced with OpenSSH 6.5. It is based on elliptic curve cryptography to offer a better security with faster performance (compared to DSA or ECDSA).

RSA is the most used key pair generation algorithm (also because it is the default one on Linux machines), but compared to Ed25519 it is slower and it is considered less safe for keys smaller than 2048-bit length.

As you will notice, Ed25519 public key is compact, and the key-pair generation is fast.

SSH connection with public-key

Easier done than explained :)

  1. Connect on the destination server with your legacy password.
  2. In your user home directory go in the .ssh folder and create a file called authorized_keys.
  3. Paste your public key in it (one per row, if many).

At this point disconnect from the machine, and connect to the client via ssh user@hostname command. If you put a passphrase on the key you will be prompted to input it, otherwise you will be logged in without any more interactions.


If you want to improve your server security and avoid to manage hundreds of passwords for all the systems you deal with - then you must switch to public-key authentication methods.

Use a longer key to increase the security, put a passhprase on it, and remember to store it safely and back it up!

Written by

Fabio Zambrino

GitHub •  Fingerprint

Senior System Engineer with a genuine passion for Information Security. Making professional mistakes since 2005.
Thinks of himself to be a real Security Guru... But always forget to lock the car!